Rush starts now!
So you’ve come to Yale. You might know from day one that you are just dying to be a BD. Or you might not be sure, and want to know more about us. What do you do? Welcome to Rush. Starting with the two concerts at Woolsey and Marsh Halls, you’ll have an opportunity to sample our repertoire and to sign up for an audition. At the audition, you’ll warm-up with the group, do some pitch matching exercises, sing in four-part harmony with members of the group, and end with a solo of your choice. Anyone with any interest in singing is encouraged to audition - if you've never sung before, no problem! We come from a variety of musical backgrounds, and welcome all who are interested in the BD experience. Even though the prospect of rush may seem daunting, BD rush managers are more than happy to help you through the process.

Rush starts with a chance to hear a bit of every a cappella group on campus. Woolsey and Marsh Hall Jams are open to all students even if you have no intention to rush. Traditionally, those interested in rushing will sign-up immediately after Marsh Hall Jam.
While there are a couple of components to an audition, it is first and foremost a low-stress opportunity to let us get to know you and for you to get to know us in a more intimate setting.
Organized around your schedule, rush meals are low-key affairs that involve eating with BDs in Yale dining halls of your choice. Rush meals are not interviews or stuffy power lunches. Use the rush meals to ask any questions you have about The Baker’s Dozen and, more importantly, to get to know the members of the group as much as possible. Be yourself.
At The Baker’s Dozen Singing Dessert, you’ll hear some of our best songs and skits. The purpose of Singing Dessert is to allow you to see us perform a complete concert and meet some other rushees. All rushees will receive a more formal invitation to the dessert in the week leading up to the concert. Also, be sure to attend the Singing Dessert after-party.
The Baker’s Dozen invites certain rushees for callback auditions. Callbacks follow a format similar to the first auditions, but we ask for a different solo.
On September 21, we’ll tap The Baker’s Dozen class of 2022 and celebrate all night in merriment and song.
Contact our 2024 Rush Managers:
Matthew Anderson ‘27
Joon Whang ‘27
The Baker's Dozen is a member of the Yale Singing Group Council (SGC), an umbrella organization that represents 17 undergraduate a cappella groups. The SGC organizes rush, along with other events throughout the year. More information about rush and a cappella at Yale can be found at